78s Added to New “Collection Favorites” Database

Hello again. I have now completed the 78s section of my new collection database. Satisfy your curiosity and head on over for a look-see!

LINK: Collection Favorites

5 thoughts on “78s Added to New “Collection Favorites” Database

  1. David

    Great collection! Were the recordings done well? I was thinking back them the tape was not as good as later on Or were they cutting straight to a lacquer??

    1. Richard Capeless Post author

      Hard to generalize about *all* the recordings of music I have on 78. Some are better than others of course. The dates go back to the ’20s and into the ’50s, lots of changes in tech during that time, huge changes. Tape was introduced in the US around 1948 so everything recorded before ’48 in the US was direct to disk. After ’48, one has to look on a case by case basis to see if a recording was or wasn’t made to tape.

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